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Pre-requisites to Running Google Ads

Nov 23

Your ads will be shown on and the search partner network of sites that display relevant advertisements based on your keywords. You can limit where your ads are shown by adjusting targeting options, including location, device, language, time of day and gender.

However before we dive in to Setting up of Google Ads Campaign, below are some prerequisites to setting up a google ads campaign:

Step 1: The Market Study

First things first, you need to know what you're selling and who you're selling it to.

If you are still unsure, go ahead and answer these questions:

How do I know my product or service will benefit my customer base? What problem does my business solve for the average person in the market for my type of product/service?

Once you have answered these questions honestly, it will be easier to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Keyword Research

Before you can create a google ad, you must know how people are searching for your product or service. In order to do this, you need to conduct keyword research. There are many online tools available for conducting keyword research, but I find SpyFu and Wordtracker most useful. Both of these sites will allow you to set up an account and enter in keywords related to your business or industry. Using a combination of the two will provide more results than using only one tool.

After entering in a few search terms that relate your industry, it is time to analyze what you have entered into each tool by comparing the results from both platforms. If you have entered in the same key words both times, this should provide you with a list of both common and uncommon terms that are being used when people are searching online. Once you have confirmed that you have found the most accurate keywords related to your business, it is time to move on to ranking!

Step 3: Ranking your Google Ads

Ranking your ad is just as important if not more important than creating an effective campaign. The reason for this is simple; you need to be able to rank quickly in order not spend too much money. Start by following these steps below: 1)Enter in competitor websites Most successful companies will usually keep track of their competitors' ads running on Goole AdWords search engine results page (SERP). If you are unable to discover your competitor's, just search for a product or service that is somewhat similar to what you are offering and use the same keywords in ad copies. 2)Establishing Your Ad It is important to stand out from the crowd. There is no one way of standing out; it all depends on the type of company and business owner you and your competitors are and how much time and money each company is willing to spend marketing their products or services online. Some companies make use of eye-catching images, while some engage users with few words spread throughout an advertisement. Try both methods until you find which works the best for your business! 3)Choosing Your Bidding Strategy When setting up your bidding strategy, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. First, you should consider your target audience and the location of the people searching for a product or service similar to yours. Also, determine how urgent it is that someone visit your site versus others. For example, if you are using a paid ad to entice visitors to sign up for an upcoming workshop or class registration, then you would want to set your bidding strategy towards top keyword placement rather than click-through rate (CTR). On the other hand, if you were selling something like apparel online in time for the holiday season, then CTR shopping ads would be more appropriate because there is no deadline on when they must purchase by in order not receive their products in time for Christmas.

4) Creating your Ad Copy

Writing an effective ad is simple. All you need to do is explain why people should click on it and make them want to buy your product or service.


The decision to create and run a campaign through Google AdWords is not just an easy one. It is imperative that you spend time researching your product or service and your competitors before setting up a campaign. The most important part of this process is determining where you want to rank in relation to how much money you are willing to spend on that placement.

Need more help with setting up & running your Google ads campaign? - Consult Dhaval Shah - 

Dhaval Shah is a Digital Marketer in Canada with deep knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Paid Ads, Social Media Marketing & Conversion Optimization.
You can reach out to Dhaval Shah (the Digital Marketer) on LinkedInTwitter | Reddit | Quora or Medium.